Pseudachorutes boerneri reaches 1.1 mm in length and is characterised by having knobbed setae on the abdomen and several clavate setae on the tibiotarsi. The only specimen labelled with this species name in the NHML was collected by Peter Lawrence from Clare, Eire in 1960. Although the animal is in several bits on the slide, it is possible to see that each tibiotarsus possesses a single clavate seta which is characteristic of Pseudachorutes corticicolus. I have thus tentatively moved the dot from the map for Pseudachorutes boerneri to the map for Pseudachorutes corticicolus. However the genus Pseudachorutes is in need of revision and further fresh specimens are needed in order to clarify which taxa are present. The single Welsh record is from Skomer (Gough 1971) but I have not seen the specimen(s).

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