Anuridella marina (maximum length 2.0 mm) has been found in the intertidal zone at several sites in the UK (but not yet from Ireland). The legs do not possess coxal lobes and the post antennal organ is circular with 16 to 21 vesicles (Fig.1). The sensillae on ant4 are finger-like (Fig. 2), unlike those on ant4 of Anuridella immsiana, Anuridella submarina and Anuridella calcarata which are hammer-shaped. Also, the ventral side of the second (th2) and third (th3) thoracic segments of Anuridella marina possess a couple of setae (Fig. 3); these setae are not present in Anuridella immsiana, Anuridella submarina and Anuridella calcarata.
     Several of Bagnall's records for this species are as
Anuridella hintoni which was shown by Goto & Delamare Deboutteville (1954) (and subsequently confirmed by Lawrence & Goto (1968)) to be a junior synonym of Anuridella marina.

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Fig. 1 (above): Post-antennal organ (PAO) of Anuridella marina collected from Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire in September 1950 (collector not known). There are 21 lobes.

Fig. 2 (above): Finger-like sensilla on the tip of the fourth antennal segment (ant4) of Anuridella marina collected from Dalmeny, Scotland in June 1934 by R.S. Bagnall.

Fig. 3 (above): Ventral side of the third thoracic segment (th3) with two setae (*) and anterior part of the first abdominal segment of the same specimen of Anuridella marina shown in Fig. 1. The ventral tube (VT) bears four setae on each side (only 1 and 2 are visible on the left side). A, anterior; P, posterior.