Anurophorus laricis is a widespread and common species often found under bark. It is dark blue with 8+8 ocelli but these are difficult to see among the dense pigment on the head. Specimens need to be heavily cleared to see the eyes. However Anurophorus laricis does not possess a furca and there is no empodial appendage on the foot. The largest specimen I have seen (1.8 mm) was collected by Peter Lawrence from a site near to Inchiquin Lough, Eire in July 1960. The tibiotarsi each possess several clavate tenant setae (Fig. 1). A few literature records of Anurophorus laricis from wet Sphagnum bogs probably represent other Anurophorus species.

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Fig. 1 : Tip of leg3 of Anurophorus laricis collected from Mousehole in Cornwall in May 1975 by Peter Lawrence .