Lepidocyrtus lignorum is a predominantly pale species with traces of blue pigment on the head, thorax and legs. The second thoracic segment is not prominent and there are scales present on the legs (Fig. 1) and first (ant1) and second (ant2) segments of the antennae (Fig. 2). There are no scales on ant3 and ant4 which is a useful character to separate Lepidocyrtus lignorum from immature Lepidocyrtus curvicollis if the extent of the prominence of thoracic segment 2 is in doubt. I have seen a specimen of Lepidocyrtus lignorum from Ireland of 2.0 mm in length but in England, it rarely exceeds 1.5 mm.
Lepidocyrtus lignorum is probably widespread and moderately common in leaf litter but may be under-recorded due to confusion with other pale Lepidocyrtus species in the past.

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Fig. 1 (above): Scales (s) on the tibiotarsus (tt) of the first leg of Lepidocyrtus lignorum collected from Ballyvaghan, Clare, Ireland in July 1960 by Peter Lawrence.

Fig. 2 (above): Scales (arrows) on the second segment of the antenna (ant2) of Lepidocyrtus lignorum collected from Home Fen, Hunts. in April 1963 by Peter Lawrence.