Entomobrya nivalis (Figs. 1 to 4) is extremely common and widespread. It is frequently beaten from branches and flowers and has a high resistance to desiccation. The pattern on the body is very distinctive. It is often found on the external window sills of houses where the springtails presumably graze algae from the surface of the paint. They are often found indoors.
Entomobrya nivalis must surely be present in every hectad on the map, except perhaps for the summits of the highest mountains. In fact its apparent patchy distribution is a good indication of the extent of under-recording of Collembola in Britain and Ireland.

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Fig. 1 (above) and 2 (below): Live specimens of Entomobrya nivalis (2.0 mm in length) from a garden in Reading.

Fig. 3 (above): Live specimen of Entomobrya nivalis (2.0 mm in length) from a garden in Reading. This photo clearly shows the four-segmented antenna.

Fig. 4 (above): Entomobrya nivalis (2.0 mm in length) collected from Totteridge, Kent in March 1954 by Peter Lawrence.

Fig. 5 (above): Foot of the third leg of Entomobrya nivalis from Sunninghill, Berks. (date and identity of collector unknown). emp. empodium; sts, spatulate tenant seta.