There is a single specimen of Cyphoderus bidenticulatus in the NHML slide collection which appears to have escaped the notice of the compilers of earlier checklists. It was collected by Bagnall in November 1937 from an ant nest in Southend. Although in poor condition, the extra 'tooth' on the mucro is clearly visible (Fig. 1). There are several slides in the NHML collection of Cyphoderus albinus collected by Bagnall from the same locality. Clearly, all specimens of Cyphoderus need to be checked as it cannot be assumed that they are Cyphoderus albinus unless the mucro is examined.

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Fig. 1 (above): Tip of the furca of Cyphoderus denticulatus collected from an ant nest in Southend in November 1937 by Bagnall. There is an extra tooth (X) just behind the two teeth (*) at the end of the mucro.